

  • 12
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 宝安区 沙井街道 沙井社区 深圳市宝安区沙井镇(南环路与海滨大道交汇处)华丰高新产业园D栋4楼B区
  • 姓名: 黄家福
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定


    有可编程变送器 可编程变送器那里的好

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 变送器 电容式变送器
  • 发布日期:2013-11-12
  • 阅读量:281
  • 价格:100.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:型号:Model RT-H
  • 产品数量:10000.00 件
  • 包装说明:精装
  • 发货地址:广东深圳宝安区沙井街道沙井社区  
  • 关键词:可编程变送器,可编程变送器价格,,变送器,德国变送器,代理销售,原装进口,型号

    有可编程变送器 可编程变送器那里的好详细内容

    深圳供应商代理销售德国原装进口Roessel可编程制变送器,型号:Model RT-H
    Programmable Transmitter Type RT-H 
    HART-Communication Two-wire transmitter for mounting in sensor-heads, field-housings or control panels. 
    Transmitters convert the low-level ** from thermocouple or resistance thermometer into a high-level standard **. The non-linear input from temerature sensors is converted into a temperature or EMF - linear output **, depending on programming, of 4 ... 20mA. The transmitter uses the HART - protocol and frequency shift keying on the 4 - 20 mA current output loop. 
    This system ensures either a multi - drop communication with up to 15 units or full operation as a - wire transmitter in a 4 - 20 mA current loop. The microcomputer-controlled system reduce type and range variety, usual with analog transmitters, to only one model. Significant lowered inventory costs, universal use, short change - over and shut - down times are the advantages. 
    For maximum operational safety and reliability in harsh ambient conditions like vibrations no mechanical components (potentiometers) are involved whereever possible. Extensive calculations like drift/offset compensation, linearisation limit comparision are done ''on site'' which means immediately close to the sensor. For the transmitter configuration a HART - interface as well as f.e. the measuring value, limits, cool joint temperature and so on without affecting the analog output of 4 to 20 mA

    欢迎来到深圳市港为仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市宝安区深圳市宝安区沙井镇(南环路与海滨大道交汇处)华丰高新产业园D栋4楼B区,联系人是黄家福。 主要经营主要经营产品有试验指、传感器、灼热丝燃烧试验仪、针焰试验仪、水平垂直燃烧试验仪、漏电起痕试验仪、纺织品燃烧试验仪、防护服热传导试验仪、熔融滴落试验仪、建筑材料燃烧性能试验仪、摩擦磨损试验仪及试验机等各类检测仪器,并代理了日本NMB 德国WAZAU、德国PTL、德国FISCHER、日本NMB、日本NoiseKen、美国MONROE ELECTRONICS等国际**品牌检测仪器。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 我们公司主要供应灼热丝试验仪、针焰试验仪、水平垂直燃烧试验仪、漏电起痕试验仪等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!